Before we get started, I’d like to say that I drew heavily from the concepts I learned in Starting Strength to create this material. While Starting Strengthis not a book abou… More
I’ve mentioned this at the beginning of every article in this series and I’ll continue to do so here: I drew heavily from Starting Strength to create this material. If… More
I have to make it abundantly clear that many of the biomechanical principles and physics applications in this article are derived from Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength.… More
If you weren’t aware by now, a lot of the concepts in this Powerlifting Technique series were distilled directly from Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength. While I… More
I don’t care if I sound like a broken record: the principles used to create the optimized powerlifting bench press technique in this article were distilled from Mark Rippet… More
In today’s day and age where nearly every single phone has a video camera built-in, you have no excuse not to be recording your workouts. If you get your training on video, it will ben… More
Many of the core, foundational biomechanical principles discussed in this article were gleaned from Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength. Though the book is not about powe… More
As far as I am aware of, there is only one book in existence that analyzes lifting from a framework of biomechanics and classical physics: Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength… More
In Powerlifting, athletes often select their technique in one of two ways: a) they simply “do what works for them” (what is most comfortable, usually) or b) they copy great lifters… More
The deadlift is the simplest test of strength that exists. You throw some chalk on your hands and you see how much weight you can pick up off of the floor. Like the movement itself, the… More
We all know the feeling. It’s Monday; it’s just you, your wrist wraps, the bench, the bar, and the plates. So, how much ya bench, bro?
Sorry, I tried to resist, but I just… More
The squat is the first lift performed at every single powerlifting meet. The squat itself isn’t too complicated; you strap on your powerlifting belt, you squat down with a heavy we… More