There is nothing more demotivating to the powerlifter than the persistent feeling that they aren’t making progress and there is nothing more destructive to your literal p… More
One of the more intriguing phenomenons in powerlifting circles is “poverty bench”. Poverty bench simply refers to an individual whose bench strength is largely ou… More
One of the great questions that I was asked recently is how one should go about the process of trying to change to a new powerlifting technique. For example, maybe you want to shift fr… More
One of the oldest and most controversial topics in terms of lifting weights is whether or not you will get hurt from rounding your back when you deadlift. Opinions tend to run the gam… More
The recent trend on all of my training videos is to make some sort of comment about my bench arch. People want to know what my secret is to having such a big arch.
Well, in this article,… More
In powerlifting, there is one number that is paramount above all others: The Total. One of the most important, and yet forgotten, aspects of technique selection for each movement… More
I participate in several powerlifting forums and one of the ever-controversial topics that has come up quite a bit lately is high bar vs. low bar squats. Opinions range from “anyth… More
Before we get started, I’d like to say that I drew heavily from the concepts I learned in Starting Strength to create this material. While Starting Strengthis not a book abou… More
I’ve mentioned this at the beginning of every article in this series and I’ll continue to do so here: I drew heavily from Starting Strength to create this material. If… More
I have to make it abundantly clear that many of the biomechanical principles and physics applications in this article are derived from Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength.… More
If you weren’t aware by now, a lot of the concepts in this Powerlifting Technique series were distilled directly from Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength. While I… More